Written complaint: example

I, the undersigned, born in, resident in, c

How to write a complaint We come now to our example of the written complaint If you think that writing a complaint is difficult, you might be mistaken: as mentioned above, the law does not require any special formality, if not to indicate in clear and understandable terms the act which constitutes an offence and the author (if known)It is not necessary, then, that you indicate expressly the articles of law that you believe was violated: it shall be the authority in the proceeding to qualify juridically the facts you narrated. f, stick a formal complaint against insert name the author of the crime enter “unknown” if you are not aware of the facts which I am about to narrate. narrate the events that took place, remembering to specify dates, names, possible witnesses, and all this can be useful to the investigation of a formal complaint to prosecution for the crimes that the authorities want to recognize in the facts set forth above.

In the specifically ask for the punishment of those responsible, we reserve the right from now on to become a civil party in the criminal proceedings that will be undertaken.

Manifests express opposition to any request for storage of the crime, asking that it be given notice. 'Law for All' is a newspaper founded by avv.