War crimes

These people have helped in an exemplary manner the allies

The lack of extradition and impunity for alleged war criminals italians accused of massacres in Africa and in Europe By documents found in the Ministry of the Foreign Office, it is evident that the governments of the English and american adopted a hedging policy vis-à-vis war criminals in Italian, for reasons of political expediencyIn the Moscow Declaration of, the allies pledged to prosecute war criminals in the country where the crimes had been committed.

The United Nations established a Commission of inquiry with the the task of creating a list of war criminals to facilitate action by governments around the world.

In this list were present among other Badoglio, Graziani, Roatta, Ambrosi. As stressed by the historian Michael Palumbo, on the basis of the documents found in the archives of Washington, London and Rome, the anglo-americans were aware of the brutality of the crimes the italians and, in the years that followed the armistice, and covered Badoglio and his group because they believed it was reliable for their anti-communism. In September of, in fact, the special court examined the case in Rome and the Foreign Office, in a telegram in cipher sent to the English ambassador at Rome, had pressure because they would intervene with Parri, who was then President of the Council of ministers, in order to avoid or postpone the process: Should try to bring to the attention of mr Parri in a confidential manner, and record, the valuable contribution that Badoglio has provided to the allied cause, express the hope that this contribution, is to be submitted to the attention of the court before the hearing To facilitate the task of the military authorities a list containing data related to forty war criminals of Italian is accompanied by the request to transmit them to the authority competent to authorize the arrest and delivery to the yugoslav government of the criminals in question. Not a single war criminal was handed over to the judicial authorities of yugoslavia, and this despite repeated assurances given by his Majesty's government', The arrest of some of the items that have occupied high positions in the ministry of the Italian war, would result in a political embarrassment. Stopping them would create a shock in the Italian government and public opinion that we will bring many problems and cause great discontent. Justice requires to deliver these people convenience push in the opposite direction or at least not to deliver those who occupy the most important positions, the admiral shows interest because it allows him to take time with the yugoslav government, which demanded insistently, the delivery of war criminals italians, with their normal judicial organs, and according to its own laws, those who are rightly accused by other states to be come less, with orders or execution of orders, to the principles of the international law of war and the duties of humanity, and in particular, to the principles of the inviolability of hostages, and the limitation of the right of reprisal does not have the competence to request the Italian Government to the delivery of war criminals, as this competence lies with the country concerned Despite the clear international obligations the british government and the government of america have delayed making use of various pretexts and delay the delivery of war criminals of the Italian as a result of this attitude is not only one of the eighteenth century, criminals from the list of the United Nations on war crimes has been handed over to the yugoslav authorities. Allow this state of things is fostering a situation that might threaten the development of peaceful relations in this part of Europe Since the allied military government was dismantled, requests for the delivery of the italians included in the list of the commission of war crimes, should be forwarded directly to the Italian government A loophole was found by the british that the allies should take into account only requests by diplomatic channels.

Yugoslavia has not had the embassy in Italy and could not submit any requests.

The main interest of the English was to process the Italian responsible of the crimes committed against soldiers of the british army.

A case of this kind is that relative to the General Bellomo accused of being responsible for the death of a prisoner of war, the british killed by the guards during an escape attempt.

Bellomo was the only Italian to be executed by the allies, in spite of serious procedural irregularities highlighted by S.

Ray, a war correspondent of the English, who followed the process for a national newspaper.

In march he became the honorary president of the MSI

Ray will write to the deputy prime minister of the Igor Thomas: 'I'm extremely upset rejected the appeal of the Bellomo against sentence of death. I was present in the whole process are not the only correspondent for the british to think that the verdict is against the weight of the evidence, that the capacity of the prosecution and the defense were not fair, that insufficient weight was given to clear mitigating circumstances and good character of the General. If guilty, Bellomo is a minor character compared to the former fascists with whom we are dealing. The important thing is not our prestige, but right Now to benefit from considerable doubts that I believe exist. On September, comes the answer of the Foreign Office to request clemency from the parliamentary labour I. Thomas The minutes of the process have been carefully studied by the Foreign Office, and show how the procedure has been carried out in the normal manner and completely right. Bellomo was sentenced for having committed a murder, particularly a coward for which we do not find mitigating circumstances. We are sure that you will be able to share the fact that the effect on the public opinion of the country, forgiveness is unjustified a war criminal, it would be highly undesirable and The greatest irony was that the british giustiziarono the only general anti-fascist at the same time that they were covering up known war criminals in italy. Bellomo had in fact fought the germans in Bari, and for this he received a silver medal at the military valor. Not liked in Rome because he could show those the italians, who had fled, as it was necessary to fight the germans Bellomo had also saved the life of a prisoner of the English, condemned to death, by some hierarchs of local for having killed two civilians. On that occasion, he argued that the prisoner had acted in self-defense, and therefore could not speak of war crime. General Bellomo was given the opportunity to escape but refused because it would have been contrary to his or her honor to the military. In order to decrease the pressures of Yugoslavia on Italy, in compliance with article forty-five of the treaty of peace, His Majesty's government and that of the United States to discourage further requests for the delivery of war criminals italians, declaring themselves to be satisfied to leave the process and the eventual condemnation of those who have still not been arrested to the judicial system The agreement was reached six weeks later and the american government agreed to leave the process, guilty of crimes against allied soldiers in the hands of the Italian courts. The british government followed the example The allies created a precedent that made it impossible to make further requests the yugoslav for more than eight hundred criminals included in the lists of the United Nations. The western allies exploited their leading position within the commission for war crimes, and rejected most of the requests of the yugoslav ignoring many of the documents prepared by the yugoslavian mainly because the government in Belgrade was considered a close ally of the Soviet Union.

Another excuse to reject the dossier prepared by the yugoslavian was the one relating to the failure to compile.

This topic proved to be fictitious because the components yugoslav commission for war crimes were lawyers brilliant and experts in international law and the dossiers for their subjects were well prepared and documented THE first case considered was that of Badoglio accused of used toxic gas, and of having bombed the hospitals of the Red Cross during the campaign of Ethiopia. Almost the entire country of Ethiopia was created by Mussolini and Graziani. I have serious doubts about the allegations in Rome also with regard to the use of toxic gases. No evidence for the involvement of Badoglio in the decision to make use of it regardless of the fact that the superiors have ordered you to commit crimes, it was their responsibility to supervise their own subject and to prevent that the crimes were committed. The japanese general Damask, was sentenced on the basis of this principle Are almost certain that Badoglio, as commander-in-chief and responsible for the implementation of the campaign must in some way be involved in the decision to use toxic gas since it is a decision that should have been taken at a very high level but with respect to the bombing of hospitals and ambulances of the Red Cross is clear from the correspondence that there are some doubts about the voluntariness of the bombing, This was not the position of the british government in the - when he rejected any argument advanced by the Italian foreign minister, for his defense of the bombing of medical units of English in Ethiopia, It was the first time in history that the Red Cross has been repeatedly attacked, and this came to pass, when Badoglio was commander-in-chief, and the ethiopians backed by Norway and Czechoslovakia the committee decided to put Badoglio in the list as a war criminal of the grade A for the use of toxic gas in the attacks on the hospitals of the Cross Red. Also the seven other fascist leaders were included in the list (De Bono, Lessona, Pirzo Biroli, Jealous, Hen, Tracchia, Courteous). On the seventeenth of September, the ambassador of ethiopia in London submitted the question to the Foreign Office, who considered the request inappropriate and advised him to desist. he was tried by a military court and sentenced the two May at the age of nineteen in prison, of cuit redici remitted, for its activities related to CSR. The sentence to be served of one year and eight months, was further reduced to four months for the request of the defense, and was immediately accepted, to begin the period of incarceration prior to. Therefore, four months after the judgment, the twenty-nine August Graziani returned in the freedom of leaving the military hospital where he had spent a large part of the duration of the process. He died in, for heart failure, and is responsible for the crimes in Yugoslavia, tried by the High Court of justice, on the night of the four march, in the imminence of the judgment, dealt with the help of the secret service and went to Spain.