The last will and testament: what is it and all types of last will and testament

“The testament is an act that is revocable with the which some have, for the time in which it will have ceased to live, of all its substances or part of them” The freedom to dispose of their goods by testament is only in the absence of a close family member however, if the testator has close relatives, can arrange for a testament is only a part of its assets, without limitation: nobody can renounce to the faculty of withdrawal, and each clause or condition to the revocabilità is nothing

Our legal system, any of the three ordinary forms of testament, to which then are added the so-called special wills: it is a form of last will and testament easier.

For editing it is enough to write in his own hand the provisions of a last will on whatever sheet of paper, date them and adopt it. To draw up a will, it should go to a Notary, who, in the presence of two witnesses - will put in writing the will declared. is a type of hand soon frequently It is a testament to the Notary and the witnesses are ignorant of the content. The presence of two witnesses, the Notary receives the last will and testament, which can be sealed by the testator himself or by the Notary at the time of receipt. are wills which are used only when it is not possible to draw up a will in ordinary. The special wills provide for a simplification of formalities, but their validity is limited.