Processes, and continuous improvement

The processes should be improved to provide a better service to the customers, to contain costs and delivery times and to become more competitive The roads to reach our objective, however, may be more than one Improving the process means finding the best way forwardThe break down between the performance of a process and the demands of the customer represent an opportunity of improvement, as well as the presence of bottlenecks and slowdowns or the ability to make mistakes.) there have been changes in the structure of the organization that have an impact on it) have changed the needs of the customers of the process) have changed the needs of the organization (the need to compress the time costs, increase the competitiveness, etc)) the process fails to achieve the results and objectives that we set ourselves) the operator does not know what results to expect from the process) the operator does not have adequate instructions to perform to the best of his own work and has not received adequate training) the operator can not make use of the resources necessary to work on the process) the operator does not know his performance) the operator can adjust independently the process if it is producing non-conformity - Choose which process to improve based on the mission and priorities of the organization - Identify the reasons that have led to the need to restructure the process - Identify customers of the process in question - Outline the customer needs and how the products and services of the organisation to align to these needs - outline the problems that are repeated frequently, the changes - analyze the causes of the issues and changes - determine how you can improve the process - Outline the new objectives - to define the resources required to improve the process - to choose the most suitable people to improve the process and form a team with a team leader - train, if necessary, the resources - to clarify the responsibilities of each resource to determine which monitoring set up to measure progress - draw a summary map of what you want to do: the name of the process to be redesigned, the objectives which it arises, the team leader, members of the team, timing, resources needed, report as to provide, etc - Design the process and test it to see if it was designed correctly - to Simplify the process by eliminating all the duplications, delete the controls useless.

Identify the points where you are wasting resources, and identify points of weakness - develop the changes designed - design the process with the changes - make it stable - make the necessary adjustments - to maintain the achieved results and institutionalizing the changes.