Point of dispute

The dispute is a term that entered the common language at the end of the sixties, that it is put in relation to a phenomenon, which started in the late sixties, remember how the years of protestIndeed, given that historically - and a plan to move from social and political - has invested many nations, including Italy, coinciding with the birth of the first youth movements and in line with what was happening at the same time - even if with different motivations - in countries such as the United States (the Vietnam War and the battles for civil rights), France, Germany and the Netherlands (claims of the student). The sixty-eight is the term which generally identifies, for the homogeneity of some content and for the simultaneous focus of all of its major manifestations in the course of a year, a whole set of social upheaval and cultural, based on a set of principles of egalitarian and libertarian, extremely radical, which touched countries with different cultures and political regimes very different from each other (from Socialism to Communism and Anarchism). These principles were implemented in the environments of students, and brought strongly to the fore of public opinion with a series of demonstrations in the year. Slogans against the Vietnam war and, thanks to some of the icons of revolutionary thought, as Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin, Martin Luther King and che Guevara, it accompanied the social unrest of an entire generation, well, numerous, that, for the first time in history, was preparing to enter the mass in the world of work, without wanting to suffer the repression of the generations that had preceded the repression expressed in laws old-fashioned of the time war (World War II), which was still in vogue.

The western governments were unprepared to cope with an unprecedented situation, and, for the brief period during which the student protest is welded with the working class, reacted on two floors distinct: repressing by force the student riots and workers in the square and in the process of reforming the educational system in the direction required by the assemblies, and looking for agreements with the trade unions, the granting of salary increases, which is frustrated, because of the rampant inflation that governments are not controlled.

In Italy the movement of, within the school, opened to students, the libraries are reserved by professors, increased financial aid and scholarships for tuition expenses to families with low income, and claimed a new, the Assembly of the Institute, a general assembly of students in the school to discuss their problems and decide on that. In Italy the phenomenon was born without a precise political orientation in conjunction with the growth of the phenomenon of the beatnik, as a form of impatience of youth to the the adult generations are accused of being bearers of a closed-minded and repressive. The contemporary political events, such as the experience of the Tambroni government (which in resulted in a violent popular uprisings in several Italian cities, including Genoa), made gradually aware of the movement of being, as well as the depository of ancient values (like the anti-fascism of the fruit of the resistance), the bearer of other values and of the possibility to hear their own voices to lead social claims. Such claims, however, were not expressed in the usual circuit the institutional and party but directly in the squares The same PCI, often critical of the movement and still unable to understand fully the reasons, was the object and not the subject of the complaint. As much as united states on some specific themes such as peace and anti-fascism, from the organizational point of view, the young people were divided into a myriad of groups and formations, when not even new parties, from different orientations, and sometimes in conflict between them. At the same time, also in reaction to the strong impulse of the extra-parliamentary left, the community also developed some youth groups of the extreme right. The phenomenon, however, did not end with the end of the 's and in fact increased progressively in intensity in the following years, reaching levels of political clash is unique in the world. Many of the organizations and persons active in the 'Dispute' they will find themselves in the political struggles of the following years, sometimes very bloody.