Personal injury

Personal injury, criminal law, the crime provided by art

of the Italian criminal code, according to which."Anyone who causes any personal injuries, from which it derives a illness in the body or the mind, is punished with imprisonment from six months to three yearsIf the disease has a duration not exceeding twenty days, and will not contribute to any of the aggravating circumstances provided for in art. one and in the last part of article, the offence is punishable on complaint of the offended person."The object of the crime in question is the personal injury inflicted on one or more subjects, which is a disease of the lesion does not necessarily have to be violent, this being caused by the action, omission or infection. The only event of the crime is only the disease caused, as the lesion is only nomen iuris of the offence. The conception of disease is explained by the ministerial Report on the Project, and it consists in the alteration of the anatomical or functional body. The conception, however, debated by the doctrine, as the disease is a pathological state for which treatment that leads to healing, curable or not curable that causes life-style changes, not curable, the cause of death. The conception of the most followed and trusted is that of medical science, competent in the matter, considers the disease in question is a pathological process, acute or chronic, localized or disseminated, which results in an appreciable impairment and functional of the organism. The intent must be supported by the will and the predictability of the event, is therefore expected in each situation in which the accused foresees that his action could result in an injury to the personal integrity of the patient, deciding, however, to get it as fine or cost. It is just the case to specify that the person who has committed the crime with the purpose to kill, liable for attempted murder.

and, with the exception of those specified in no

Personal injuries are distinguished into voluntary and negligent.

The unintentional injuries are usually liable for the lawsuit, but are subject to prosecution office if they are occupational illnesses or serious or very serious injuries arising from accidents at work."Anyone who causes through negligence, a personal injury, shall be punished with imprisonment up to three months or with fine of up to.

If the injury is severe the penalty is imprisonment from one to six months or a fine from to, if it is serious, imprisonment from three months to two years or a fine from to."The injury to life, causing infiltration of hemorrhage in the tissues on the contrary of the lesions post-mortem, in which the blood pressure is zero, because the circle is broken.

In the corpse also after fifteen hours of death the blood, by gravity, flows on the sloping areas of the body, causing stains hypostatic, these can be differentiated from bleeding true with acupressure, in the case of stain hypostatic remains the lighter footprint of the finger, otherwise the color will remain unchanged.

Depending on the climatic conditions, the spots become at first a rosy colour to green (to be put in the differential diagnosis with pleural bile). Crimes against personal freedom: Seizure of the person (art.) · illegal Arrest (art.) · Undue limitation of personal freedom (art.) · Abuse of authority against arrested or detained (art.) · Search and inspection of personal arbitrary (art.) · sexual Violence (art. bis) · sexual Acts with a minor (art. quater) · Corruption of a minor (art. octies) · Solicitation of minors (art. -undecies) Crimes against moral freedom: private Violence (art.) · Threat (aet.) · stalking (art. six and twelve bis) · State of incapacity procured through violence (art.) Offences against the inviolability of the home: Violation of domicile (art.) · Violation of domicile is committed by a public official (art.) · unlawful Interference in private life (art. bis) · unauthorised Access to a computer or telematic system (art. ter) · the possession or distribution of unauthorized access codes to computer systems or telematic communications (art. quater) · Dissemination of equipment, devices or computer programmes intended to damage or interrupt a computer or telematic system (art. quinquies).