How to change the name

Change name is possible, but only when it has certain characteristics that justify this procedureThe name change, in fact, must be the ridiculous, the detector of natural origin or shameful. When you meet these conditions, do the change of the surname is very simple.

The new simplified procedure has been introduced since - and subsequent amendments - which has established that the request must be submitted to the prefect.

It is in a few words the same procedure as for the name change in this case, however, you can also proceed with a replacement, taking his father's surname and putting in its place the one of a mother.

If you also have a last name ridiculous, here you can find a guide with all the information needed to make the change by contacting the prefect forms to be submitted, costs, motivations and requirements.

To change surname it is necessary to apply to the Territorial Office of the Government - the Prefecture.

You can take into consideration both the office of the province of residence, or that of the constituency of the civil status office where it is recorded the act of birth.

The documentation for the change of surname is entered into the website of the Prefecture of reference, which is always good to consult to avoid making empty trips, or deliver the cards to be incomplete.

In general, it is usually required: it Is forbidden to take a last name that has importance for history or that can “mislead about the membership of the applicant to the illustrious families or particularly notes” in place of christmas. Of particular importance in the procedure to change the surname or name are the reasons for the present during the procedure. To be accepted the request, it will be necessary to justify its request, being the exchange rate, not a right, but a concession to gain. Among the reasons that may be considered include those for a surname, ridiculous, or shameful, or those that rely on emotional reasons. If you want to modify your personal data you will have, of course, some boost to it What you should do is pay some attention to how you expose. The instance to add the surname of the mother's side or instead of the paternal one can leverage on their spending and on their family history, on the attachment or on the importance of the parental figure. It will be the Prefect to evaluate the acceptance or not of the request for the change of surname. But, acquired a positive response, you will have to wait for at least thirty days to see why. Welcomed by the prefect in the instance to change the name will have to wait at least thirty days. In this period of time will have to be posted at the praetorian register of the municipality of residence and of birth, a notice, which must include a summary of the application. The reasons of this expectation resides in the necessity to make public the details of the change of surname.

Within thirty days of the last posting, it is possible to make the opposition to change by notification to the Prefect.

Check the reasons for the change and publicized the change, it will be necessary to send a copy of the notice with the report attesting to the performed the posting and its duration.