European foundation for the improvement of the conditions of life and work

The european Foundation for the improvement of the conditions of life and work is an agency of the european Union located in DublinIt was formed in May by the european Council to contribute to improving the conditions of life and work throughout Europe. It supports a series of operations of specialised monitoring and measuring conditions in Europe, including: Regular surveys on working conditions, european quality of life and organisational policies relating to working time (the first survey on working conditions was conducted in, the european Foundation for the improvement of the conditions of life and work describes its role on its own page of information as follows: to Provide information, advice and consultancy - on the living and working conditions, industrial relations and managing change in Europe - for key actors in the field of EU social policy on the basis of comparative information, research and analysis. It was one of the first bodies established to work on a specific subset of EU policy The european Foundation for the improvement of the conditions of life and work is supervised by a director, a deputy director and a board of directors. The board of directors meets once a year to set budgets and policy, and decide a year and four-year programs of work.